sabato 11 giugno 2016

January 30th - 30 gennaio

- Clothes Line Saga - Bob Dylan (lyrics-testo)
Sunday Bloody Sunday - U2

Notes: "It was January the thirtieth / And everybody was feelin' fine" (Clothes Line Saga

Sunday Bloody Sunday"its lyrics describe the horror felt by an observer of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, mainly focusing on the Bloody Sunday incident in Derry where British troops shot and killed unarmed civil rights protesters and bystanders who were there to rally against Operation Demetrius-related internment (imprisonment without trial), while at the same time rejecting hate and revenge as a response noted in the lyrics, "There's many lost, but tell me who has won."" (Source: Wikipedia)

La domenica di sangue, di cui parla Sunday Bloody Sunday è il 30 gennaio 1972. Quel giorno, nella città nordirlandese di Derry (Londonderry per gli Unionisti), l'esercito del Regno Unito sparò sui partecipanti a una manifestazione. Quattordici persone, civili disarmati, furono uccise, e quattordici ferite. L'episodio passò alla storia appunto come Bloody Sunday e scatenò la rivolta nazionalista contro il governo di Londra". (Fonte Wikipedia)

January 13th - 13 gennaio

I funerali del pirata - Alessio Lega [Dedicata ai funerali di De André 13.1.1999]
- January 13th - Achyllis - January 13th - Damond Young

- 13 of January - Jake Landers Band - January 13th Incident - Nerve Beats - January the 13th 1989 - Stone & The Age - January 13th - Original Mix - TrOne
January 13th - Ashler

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